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The Wright Center for Community Health’s Ryan White Clinic is the presenting sponsor for the 2023 PrideFest Parade and Celebration in downtown Wilkes-Barre on Sunday, June 25 from noon to 4 p.m. Participating in the kickoff announcement, seated from left, are Sister Ruth Neeley, RSM, CRNP, Ryan White Clinic; Shea Hughes, Rainbow Alliance; Alyssa Duffy, Rainbow Alliance; and Aliah Roseman, Ryan White Clinic; standing, Keisha Holbeck, Ryan White Clinic; Marissa Duffy, Rainbow Alliance; Joseph Farley, Ryan White Clinic; Dr. Mary Louise Decker, Medical Director of the Ryan White Clinic; Miranda Pace, Rainbow Alliance; Holly Pilcavage, co-chairperson; Rainbow Alliance; Craig Lukatch, co-chairperson, Rainbow Alliance; Kara Seitzinger, The Wright Center for Community Health; Dylan Fredricey, Rainbow Alliance; Anthony Melf, Rainbow Alliance; Suzanne McGrath, LCSW, Ryan White Clinic; and Kimberly Simon, LCSW, Ryan White Clinic.

The Wright Center for Community Health’s Ryan White Clinic is the presenting sponsor for the 2023 PrideFest Parade and Celebration in downtown Wilkes-Barre on Sunday, June 25 from noon to 4 p.m. Participating in the kickoff announcement, seated from left, are Sister Ruth Neeley, RSM, CRNP, Ryan White Clinic; Shea Hughes, Rainbow Alliance; Alyssa Duffy, Rainbow Alliance; and Aliah Roseman, Ryan White Clinic; standing, Keisha Holbeck, Ryan White Clinic; Marissa Duffy, Rainbow Alliance; Joseph Farley, Ryan White Clinic; Dr. Mary Louise Decker, Medical Director of the Ryan White Clinic; Miranda Pace, Rainbow Alliance; Holly Pilcavage, co-chairperson; Rainbow Alliance; Craig Lukatch, co-chairperson, Rainbow Alliance; Kara Seitzinger, The Wright Center for Community Health; Dylan Fredricey, Rainbow Alliance; Anthony Melf, Rainbow Alliance; Suzanne McGrath, LCSW, Ryan White Clinic; and Kimberly Simon, LCSW, Ryan White Clinic.

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