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COVID-19 Vaccinations: Patient Refund Update

Scranton, Pa. (June 3, 2021) – Today, The Wright Center for Community Health, an organization dedicated towards safety-net, comprehensive primary health care services, has announced that the organization is in the final phase of mailing out refund checks to patients who may have been billed or made co-payments for primary care services provided in conjunction with the administration of the COVID-19 vaccination between Dec. 20, 2020, and April 14, 2021. 

Along with the refund checks, an accompanying correspondence states: “Please accept the enclosed refund check reflecting that The Wright Center for Community Health has decided to absorb the costs of care you received during your COVID-19 vaccination experience.  Our leadership team and entire organization are privileged to have served you and are relieved that you have been vaccinated.” 

The message continues: “Please know we are working collaboratively with insurance carriers to reflect appropriate adjustments, which will not affect you or result in any cost to you. The standard COVID-19 vaccination administration charge has been submitted to and will be paid by insurance carriers or government payers, as applicable. Again, there will be no cost to you. We apologize for the discrepancy caused by uncertain guidance and any resulting inconvenience.” 

According to Jennifer Walsh, The Wright Center’s Senior Vice President of Enterprise Integrity, “We are deeply committed to the health and wellness of our community and we remain proud participants of the nation’s ongoing COVID-19 vaccination efforts. We encourage everyone who has not yet been vaccinated to do so in order to protect themselves, their families and everyone they come in contact with. The more people who get vaccinated, the better we can protect our community.”

The Wright Center for Community Health offers those seeking vaccinations the ability to choose between a COVID-19 vaccination-only appointment or a COVID-19 vaccination appointment within the context of an office visit.  To schedule a COVID-19 vaccination appointment or for more information, please visit COVID-19 – The Wright Center To learn more about the COVID-19 vaccine and why it’s important to get vaccinated, please visit the CDC’s website Your COVID-19 Vaccination | CDC

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