Whole-Person Wellness

The Wright Way to Whole-Person Wellness logo

Holistic Approach to Employee Wellness

The Wright Centers for Community Health, Patient & Community Engagement, and Graduate Medical Education intentionally embrace and seek to engage an inclusive diversity of stakeholders to deliver our mission to improve the health and welfare of our communities through inclusive and responsive health services and the sustainable renewal of an inspired, competent workforce that is privileged to serve.

Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging (JEDIB) inspire and unify us as noble and vital principles of our enterprise identity. We recognize the compromise and, too often, the absence of these ideal principles cause experiential and vicarious trauma within the health care delivery and medical education industries, our organizations, our communities, and our world.

We are deeply committed to becoming and thriving as a trauma-competent enterprise so that we may generate and support continuous internal organizational and external community progress in these humanistic realms to positively impact our care delivery and educational systems, and external environments.

Striving to empower individuals, families, and communities to own and optimize their health, we continue to focus on expanding access to affordable, high-quality, nondiscriminatory, whole-person primary health services and health care careers, while ensuring address of trauma exposure and complex socioeconomic determinants of health and barriers to health equity.

We deeply value and commit to energizing a therapeutic atmosphere that creates a sense of belonging, allowing and empowering individuals to reach their fullest potential and nurture their authentic selves, while honoring their life journeys and stories, and celebrating their unique and meaningful contributions.

Doctor talking to elderly patient

February 2025

Heart disease, impacting nearly half of American adults, remains the leading cause of death worldwide. Meanwhile, eating disorders contribute to approximately 10,200 deaths per year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Morgan Harper Nichols

January 2025

Why not celebrate who you are today? Think of how far you have come in your journey.

Allison LaRussa

November 2024

Nonviolent communication is honestly expressing ourselves to others and empathetically hearing others. 

art projects in the clinics

October 2024

You are an artist. Yes, you!

People-first language examples

September 2024

September is both Recovery Awareness and Suicide Prevention Month. Just about everyone has been impacted by one or both of these topics.

August 2024

“Movement” is an all-encompassing term that includes both fitness and general physical activity we participate in every day.

Equality versus equity

July 2024

Let’s unpack the E in JEDIB: Equity.

inclusive language examples

June 2024

Our words have an impact. How we address one another can either connect us or pull us apart.

Multi ethnic guys and girls taking selfie outdoors with backlight

May 2024

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. But what is mental health really?

Photo of John Slater sitting next to garbage our a story about esg

April 2024

How does ESG relate to wellness? Read on for a breakdown of the key points and their significance.

Intersectionality wheel

March 2024

Intersectionality is a popular buzzword these days. But how many people really know what the word means and why it’s important, especially to combat health care inequities?

Employee Assistance Program text on sticky notes with office desk concept

February 2024

Employee assistance programs improve wellness in and outside work.

Self Care graphic

January 2024

What comes to mind when you think of self-care? Spa days? While that can certainly be self-care, there is a common misconception about self-care.

Wheel of Social Identity

December 2023

The deeper self awareness one has, the deeper we can meet others. Remember cultural humility is a lifelong process.

Native American Heritage Month

November 2023

Let us celebrate and lift this culture. Let us recognize the many communities spread out across the world and the beautiful contributions attributed to our society.


October 2023

As health care professionals, regardless of whether we’re focusing on medical or social needs, we must shift our thinking about how to be effective disability advocates.


September 2023

Suicide is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, so why aren’t we discussing it more? Stigma can have a dramatic impact on starting the conversation.

Midsection image of group of diverse people standing together and holding hands, supporting each other and showing their unity. Concept of teamwork, strong community, loyal team and partnership

August 2023

Each dimension of wellness is interconnected and can contribute to a healthier lifestyle. For instance, if we can become more in tune with our emotions and embrace all feelings, this can deepen our spirituality, as well as influence our social health.

July 2023

For each of us, the way in which we find meaning can look different, and it often is influenced by our unique backgrounds, cultures, and the traditions of our families and communities.

June 2023

We all deserve to be heard and to be seen. When this happens, our light is illuminated. Social belonging is a fundamental need. Our mental well-being is impacted in an immensely positive way if we feel a sense of community and connection through ourselves and others. When we experience belonging and inclusion, we are able to be our true and authentic selves.

May 5, 2023

Sanctuary Toolkit: Need a check-in?

At the beginning of April we talked about Community Meeting, the Sanctuary meeting opening procedure during which we ask one another in turn how are you feeling, what is your goal, and who can you ask for help?

May 2023

According to National Alliance on Mental Illness, 1 in 5 U.S. adults will experience mental illness at some point in their life. Even if you do not fall into this statistic, each and everyone of us will experience challenges that impact our mental health.

employee at desk with papers

April 11, 2023

Sanctuary Toolkit: Safety Plans

I was going to start this one by just saying everybody look at your plans.

April 4, 2023

Sanctuary Toolkit: Community Meeting

The Sanctuary tools are the concrete activities or rituals individuals and organizations use to inoculate themselves against the effects of further trauma and chronic stress.

April 2023

Unconscious biases. They are everywhere, and we all have them. These biases are social stereotypes or prejudices about certain races, ethnic groups, gender identities, sexual orientations, physical abilities, and more that individuals form outside of their own conscious awareness.

March 16, 2023

Our Sanctuary journey is underway

Where we’ve been and where we’re going. At this moment, almost 90 people have been deeply immersed in Sanctuary training.

Doctor with patient

March 9, 2023

The Seven Commitments: Growth and Change

Have you ever asked yourself what is an organization like The Wright Center? Yes, we care for patients and teach residents, while delivering upon our mission and vision.

team celebrating

March 2, 2023

The Seven Commitments: Social Learning

Learning can be scary. Seriously. In order to learn, we have to admit we do not yet know. As professionals, it is difficult to admit we don’t know something – particularly those in clinical and/or leadership roles.

mother and daughter

March 2023

For decades, gender equality referred to equal rights for women as compared to men: Equal pay for equal work, the opportunity to shatter the glass ceiling in corporate America, and reach the highest levels of success in any profession.

February 15, 2023

The Seven Commitments: Social Responsibility

At the root, to be socially responsible is to care for others. This is easy when the other person is someone we like. The trick is that this applies even to others we may not like.

Doctor and nurse discussing medical report at clinic

February 15, 2023

The Seven Commitments: Open Communication

Open communication seems great and sort of a no-brainer, but it may be a surprisingly challenging Sanctuary commitment.

February 5, 2023

The Seven Commitments: Democracy and the Power of Agency

Nothing about you without you and you may get your say but not your way. This might be the briefest way to describe the Sanctuary commitment of Democracy.

co-workers in front of a computer

February 1, 2023

Let’s talk about emotional intelligence – one of the Seven Commitments of Sanctuary

The Seven Commitments of Sanctuary are interconnected with the entire model.

February 2023

February is Black History Month. Do you ever wonder why February has been designated to honor the accomplishments of Black Americans and their contributions to our society?

January 26, 2023

The Seven Commitments

The Seven Commitments of Sanctuary are interconnected with the entire model. Safety in sanctuary refers to not only physical safety but also moral, psychological, and social safety.

Team meeting

January 18, 2023

Sanctuary Starts with Us

The rubber is meeting the road in The Wright Center’s commitment to the Sanctuary Model as the first of two five-day training sessions has been completed.

January 4, 2023

Future Focus: Intentions, Goals, and Culture Change

Here is to 2023 filled with whatever we need to know we’re cared for and supported.

Sandy Athenaise Durosier, M.S., B.A.

January 2023

Si jeunesse savait, si viellesse pouvait” is a French proverb my mother often said to me when I was a child. French humanist Henri II Estienne is credited with this quote. It speaks to the idea that youth often lack experience and the elders lack the strength.

Tree covered in snow

December 20, 2022

Loss and the Power of Community

As I write this, it is -4° Fahrenheit. That’s pretty cold, but the baseline of the universe is even colder: -455° Fahrenheit!

team discussing around a computer

December 13, 2022

Emotion Management with Self and Other

December in the northern hemisphere comes with cold temperatures, hot drinks, dark afternoons, sparkling lights, and as much potential for joy as for hardship.

Group of friends going for a run

December 6, 2022

Safety as a ‘primary value’

New week, new challenges, and new opportunities. That last one can be easy to lose sight of if we are feeling tired, frustrated, in a rut, and so on.

December 2022

Without thinking about it, we experience and participate in different cultures every day.

November 29, 2022

Trauma-Theory in Sanctuary

If you had time off for the recent holiday, welcome back. If you didn’t, here’s a sincere thank you for working and caring for your community.

group of people hands together in a circle

November, 21, 2022

Sanctuary as Whole-Person Wellness

Let’s put the most important thing right up front – may this holiday season be what you need it to be, whatever that is for you.

November 2022

“There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives.” These words, spoken by Audre Lorde, a noted prose writer, poet and civil rights activist, capture the essence of what is known as intersectionality.

October 2022

At one point or another in our lives, each of us has been in a position where we felt we weren’t welcome.

Our country is a melting pot of influential cultures

September 2022

How many times have you heard a rhythm that made you want to dance even though you may not know the song?


August 2022

As we embark on our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) journey together, it is important to speak the same language.

Disability Pride Month

July 2022

As the vice president of Sponsoring Institution Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI).