Como Centro de Salud Federalmente Calificado y proveedor de la red de seguridad, el Centro Wright para la Salud Comunitaria ofrece servicios de salud completos y asequibles para niños y adultos, independientemente de su estado de seguro o incapacidad de pago. Haga clic aquí para ver las preguntas más frecuentes.
El Centro Wright para la Salud Comunitaria ayuda a los pacientes a determinar si son elegibles para las opciones de cobertura de beneficios de salud, incluyendo nuestra escala de tarifas. La elegibilidad para nuestra escala móvil de tarifas se basa en los ingresos y el tamaño de la familia (u hogar) y proporciona niveles de descuento para los pacientes que reúnen los requisitos. Haga clic aquí para ver la escala de tarifas.
Todos los materiales contenidos en este sitio web están protegidos por la ley de propiedad intelectual de Estados Unidos y no pueden ser reproducidos, distribuidos, transmitidos, mostrados, publicados o emitidos sin el permiso previo por escrito de The Wright Center for Community Health y su entidad afiliada, The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education.
During fiscal year 2024, The Wright Center for Community Health (TWCCH) operations were supported by clinical patient service revenues from Medicare and Medicaid programs and private insurance plans, participation in the 340B Drug Program, federal educational resources from The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education, and direct funding from various federal, state, and local philanthropic agencies. Of the $63.8 million in operating expenses incurred by TWCCH, $52.1 million, or 82%, was supported either directly or indirectly by federal funds.
During fiscal year 2024, The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education (TWCGME) operations were supported by direct funding from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration and the Veterans Administration, indirect funding from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services through affiliation agreements with acute and inpatient rehabilitation hospitals, and shared savings from the Medicare Shared Savings Program through 10% ownership of the Keystone Accountable Care Organization. Of the $47.6 million in operating expenses incurred by TWCGME, $40.1 million, or 84%, was supported either directly or indirectly by federal funds.