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The Wright Center for Community Health received a $5,000 grant from the Robert H. Spitz Foundation in support of the collaborative Healthy MOMS Helping MOMS Out of Poverty program. The grant helps participants with the initial costs of paying for security deposits, rent, and utility bills so they can secure safe housing. Participating in the ceremonial check presentation, from left, are Frank Caputo, grants and communications coordinator, Scranton Area Community Foundation; Maria Kolcharno, director of addiction services and a leader of the Healthy MOMS program, and Marcella Garvin, lead case manager, Healthy MOMS program, The Wright Center for Community Health, and Brittany Pagnotti, communications manager, Scranton Area Community Foundation.

The Wright Center for Community Health received a $5,000 grant from the Robert H. Spitz Foundation in support of the collaborative Healthy MOMS Helping MOMS Out of Poverty program. The grant helps participants with the initial costs of paying for security deposits, rent, and utility bills so they can secure safe housing. Participating in the ceremonial check presentation, from left, are Frank Caputo, grants and communications coordinator, Scranton Area Community Foundation; Maria Kolcharno, director of addiction services and a leader of the Healthy MOMS program, and Marcella Garvin, lead case manager, Healthy MOMS program, The Wright Center for Community Health, and Brittany Pagnotti, communications manager, Scranton Area Community Foundation.

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