Como um Centro de Saúde Federalmente Qualificado semelhante e provedor de rede de segurança, o Wright Center for Community Health oferece serviços de saúde abrangentes e acessíveis para crianças e adultos, independentemente do status de segurado ou da incapacidade de pagar. Clique aqui para ver as perguntas frequentes.
O Wright Center for Community Health ajuda os pacientes a determinar se são elegíveis para as opções de cobertura de benefícios de saúde, incluindo a nossa escala de taxas deslizantes. A elegibilidade para a nossa escala de taxas deslizantes baseia-se no rendimento e no tamanho da família (ou agregado familiar) e fornece níveis de desconto para pacientes qualificados. Clique aqui para ver a escala de taxas deslizantes.
Todos os materiais contidos neste sítio Web estão protegidos pela lei de direitos de autor dos Estados Unidos e não podem ser reproduzidos, distribuídos, transmitidos, apresentados, publicados ou difundidos sem a autorização prévia por escrito do The Wright Center for Community Health e da sua entidade afiliada, o The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education.
During fiscal year 2024, The Wright Center for Community Health (TWCCH) operations were supported by clinical patient service revenues from Medicare and Medicaid programs and private insurance plans, participation in the 340B Drug Program, federal educational resources from The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education, and direct funding from various federal, state, and local philanthropic agencies. Of the $63.8 million in operating expenses incurred by TWCCH, $52.1 million, or 82%, was supported either directly or indirectly by federal funds.
During fiscal year 2024, The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education (TWCGME) operations were supported by direct funding from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration and the Veterans Administration, indirect funding from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services through affiliation agreements with acute and inpatient rehabilitation hospitals, and shared savings from the Medicare Shared Savings Program through 10% ownership of the Keystone Accountable Care Organization. Of the $47.6 million in operating expenses incurred by TWCGME, $40.1 million, or 84%, was supported either directly or indirectly by federal funds.