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Healthy MOMS 2

No longer homeless, Jennifer Parker, seen here holding 2-year-old daughter Naudia, receives recovery services and support through the area’s Healthy MOMS program. Maria Kolcharno, at left, director of addiction services at The Wright Center for Community Health, and Vanessa Zurn, far right, a Healthy MOMS case manager at The Wright Center, are among the team members who assist more than 135 actively enrolled women and their children.

No longer homeless, Jennifer Parker, seen here holding 2-year-old daughter Naudia, receives recovery services and support through the area’s Healthy MOMS program. Maria Kolcharno, at left, director of addiction services at The Wright Center for Community Health, and Vanessa Zurn, far right, a Healthy MOMS case manager at The Wright Center, are among the team members who assist more than 135 actively enrolled women and their children.

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