The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education achieves 100% match for regional residencies on Match Day

Overall, 75 resident physicians will join the graduate medical education program
The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education welcomed 58 new resident physicians into its four regional residencies after achieving a 100% match on national Match Day for newly minted doctors.
The National Resident Matching Program’s Match Day is one of the most important events and competitive processes in the medical school experience. On the third Friday of March each year, fourth-year medical students, as well as their graduate medical education programs, learn where they will complete the next stage of their medical training.
The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education matched residents in the following regional programs: Internal Medicine Residency (34); Regional Family Medicine Residency (12); Psychiatry Residency (7), and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (5) – the newest training program. Resident physicians will begin their first-year residencies on July 1.
The National Family Medicine Residency has filled its resident physician positions at the Tucson, Arizona (4); Auburn, Washington (4); Washington, D.C., and Hillsboro, Ohio (3) training sites.
The incoming first-year residents for the five residencies hail from eight countries, including Canada (11), Egypt (1), India (12), Nepal (4), Pakistan (6), Philippines (1), Saudi Arabia (1) and the United States (39). Overall, The Wright Center received 5,744 applications and interviewed 877 candidates for the available slots in the five residencies.
“It is with great excitement that I congratulate and welcome each of our new resident physicians to our learning and clinical communities. I look forward to working closely with each of you during your journey in postgraduate medical education,” said Dr. Jumee Barooah, the designated institution official at The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education. “Your residency is a once-in-a-lifetime educational experience that only you and your peers can understand. You have plenty to be proud of as your persistence, passion and dedication to the field have earned you this opportunity.”
The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education was founded in 1976 as the Scranton-Temple Residency Program, a community-based internal medicine residency. Today, it educates and trains more than 220 resident physicians and fellows annually through a unique Graduate Medical Education and Safety Net Consortium, which is funded by federal agencies and supported by multiple health care organizations that provide learning environments. The organization also offers fellowships in cardiovascular disease, gastroenterology and geriatrics.
Last year, The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education matched 69 resident physicians in the Internal Medicine (35), Regional Family Medicine (12), National Family Medicine (17) and Psychiatry (5) residencies.