作为联邦合格医疗中心(Federally Qualified Health Center Look-Alike)和安全网医疗服务提供者,莱特社区医疗中心为儿童和成人提供全面且价格合理的医疗保健服务,无论其是否有保险或支付能力如何。 单击此处查看常见问题。
赖特社区卫生中心帮助患者确定他们是否有资格享受医疗保险,包括我们的按比例收费制度。我们的按比例收费标准以家庭(或住户)收入和规模为基础,为符合条件的患者提供折扣。 单击此处查看按比例收费表。
During fiscal year 2024, The Wright Center for Community Health (TWCCH) operations were supported by clinical patient service revenues from Medicare and Medicaid programs and private insurance plans, participation in the 340B Drug Program, federal educational resources from The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education, and direct funding from various federal, state, and local philanthropic agencies. Of the $63.8 million in operating expenses incurred by TWCCH, $52.1 million, or 82%, was supported either directly or indirectly by federal funds.
During fiscal year 2024, The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education (TWCGME) operations were supported by direct funding from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration and the Veterans Administration, indirect funding from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services through affiliation agreements with acute and inpatient rehabilitation hospitals, and shared savings from the Medicare Shared Savings Program through 10% ownership of the Keystone Accountable Care Organization. Of the $47.6 million in operating expenses incurred by TWCGME, $40.1 million, or 84%, was supported either directly or indirectly by federal funds.