社区支持 - 赖特方式
赖特中心很高兴能与 501(c)(3) 社区组织合作,共同致力于提高患者和居民的健康和福祉。我们有一个共同的使命:通过提供包容性强、反应迅速的医疗服务,以及可持续地培养一支以服务他人为荣、技术精湛、富有同情心的员工队伍,来改善我们社区的健康和福利。
If your project or event corresponds to our focus areas outlined below, we welcome your application for sponsorship. Please recognize that we, too, are a charitable organization providing a community service and we will be unable to fulfill every sponsorship or donation request.
- Improves access to care for vulnerable populations
- Improves community health through education, advocacy, and patient-centered services
- Seeks to address socioeconomic determinants of health (i.e., food, housing, poverty)
- Supports efforts around Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging (JEDIB) with specific attention to language, disabilities, etc.
- Empowers patients to make meaningful contributions to the delivery, enhancement, and transformation of health care services
- Addresses barriers to health equity or seeks to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in health outcomes
- Offers needs-responsive, community-based health promotion and outreach
- Promotes workforce diversity and opportunity
- Provides a work environment that encourages the personal and professional development of our employees at all levels.
We generally do not provide financial support for the following but may choose to do so based on affiliated community partnerships and/or alignment with our mission or focus areas.
- 个人
- 宗教组织
- 体育组织
- 差旅费
- 纪念碑
- 多年期认捐
- 公立和私立学校
审查时间为 3-4 周